Giant Killer

Series Starts Sunday, October 2nd, 2022

Giant Killer

Next to Jesus, David is the most developed and complex character in the Bible.  The pages dedicated to telling David’s story outnumber any other person except for Jesus.  David was special because he had a special relationship with God.  David not only knew a lot about God, but he knew God and he wanted to do everything the Lord asked him to do.  David was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:16-23).

This fall, we are going to examine the life of David.  I have three purposes for this nine-week message series.  One, I want to teach you about David.  Two, I want to show you what David believed about God and how he corresponded with the Lord.  Three, I want to show that you can trust God when you are faced with a big problem.  I believe your life will be changed as you learn from David - the giant killer!

-Pastor John



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