
Series Starts Sunday, March 5th, 2023


Many who listened to Jesus in the first century found his sayings difficult to understand and apply.  Likewise, many people today, find Christ’s teachings hard to comprehend and live.  Some of Jesus’ sayings are hard because they do not make sense to us.  After all, we live in a vastly different culture and time than when Christ lived.  And some of Jesus’ sayings are hard because they directly challenge our beliefs and actions.  Mark Twain said the things in the Bible that bothered him were not those that he did not understand but those that he did.  Like Twain, many people understand Jesus’ teachings but find them difficult to do.

In this fourteen-week message series, I will help you make sense of some of the hard sayings of Christ, and I will challenge you to conform your life to Christ’s will.  For, Jesus said…“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.” (Matthew 7:24, NLT)

-Pastor John


Series Trailer




Miracle worker


Easter 2023