Series Starts Sunday, February 5, 2023


In the 1991 movie What About Bob? an arrogant psychotherapist named Dr. Leo Marvin gives his new book Baby Steps to a neurotic mental patient named Bob Wiley.  Bob embraces Dr. Marvin’s philosophy of taking baby steps to deal with his many phobias.  Since the dark comedy released, baby steps has become a mantra for people trying to achieve a big goal.  How do you achieve a difficult goal?  You break the goal into small achievable steps!  

While breaking up a difficult goal into smaller, achievable steps is a good idea, it does have some risks.  One, you may get so focused on taking baby steps that you forget your end goal.  Two, it can take a long time to reach a goal using baby steps.  In truth, many “baby step people” run out of life before they achieve their goals.   

This February, I’m going to teach you how to reach spiritual maturity more quickly.  In this message series, you will learn what spiritual maturity is, why it is important, and what you need to do to reach spiritual maturity.  This month, I am going to show you how to take bigger steps! 

-Pastor John



Good Friday 2023

